Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Am Back!!!

Wow!  It's been so long...I wonder if anyone is still out there...I sure do hope so.

Well, it's been quite a journey, but I am finally healed and graduated from Hand Therapy....and ready to roll!  As you know, I smashed my wrist and broke 2 bones in my arm.   All this because I was trying o pick up this 60 lb squirmy puppy!


She is a huge mess, she goes in for a bath tomorrow!

I know, I was a pretty dumb idea.  Thank goodness it was my left arm...but I still could do virtually nothing until it healed.  I have almost full range of motion, but I still have weakness in a couple of fingers and my left hand shakes a lot.  They say as I get stronger these two things will go away...I surely do hope so.

I am back with so much energy and so many creative ideas...ready to get to work.  I'm waiting for a lovely box from Dick Blick that will be full of new canvases and other toys.  Should be here today, can't wait.  I'm so ready to get my hands dirty.  With paint, that is!

This is what I have in front of me...ready for a big mess!