Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm Not Complaining!

I have been so busy working on my commission pieces...not complaining, though!  I just finished my last on due before Christmas.  And I have 4 more lined up for after the First of the Year!  This is just incredible...I am so thrilled that I am getting so much attention!

December is going to be an incredibly busy month for us...starting with a visit this weekend from some long, lost cousins.  Family drama kept us from ever seeing them.  We reconnected recently, and when my sister had a conference to attend in DC, she actually met with them!  We have been emailing since, and they are coming to the Bay Area Thursday through Monday.  We have lots of plans set up, including a BBQ at our house on Sunday.  So excited! 

Here's a picture of one of the commission pieces I did for a little girl named Avery who loves Pink and Purple:
Another one that I am working on now:

And I'll leave you with a little something my niece made sitting with me in my studio: