Have you ever read a blog post that just made you say WOW??? That is exactly what happened to me when I stumbled upon this post at My Brown Eyed Girl.
As you know, I've been struggling to really get back into my art since my broken wrist. It was just such a tough break, and seemed to take so long to heal. I know it is healed, but I do still have a lot of weakness and pain from time to time. It also came at a time when my Etsy Shop, "Baxter's Mom" was really starting to take off. But, of course, I had to let everything go just to get healed up again. So, I feel like I'm starting at square one again. I know, boo hoo hoo.
Well, when I stumbled up on this post, it was just exactly what I needed! It made me realize that I have full control over my feelings and actions...I just need to get my self in gear and feel the ENERGY, and my personal GREATNESS. I think seweet Debbie was writing this just for me! So, I got going, and finished up a piece for a sweet friend, Tami:
I am now in the process of cleaning up my studio...got some fresh canvases gessoed and ready to go!