Has it really been this long since I last blogged???
Terrible, I know!
I keep trying to do better...
Life just keeps getting in the way!
There are just way too many incredible classes out there.
By out there...I mean e-classes
on the internet.
Classes that you can take at your own pace,
at home, in your jammies...if you want.
Of course, in my attempt to "FLOURISH",
I have signed up for way to many,
I am now driving myself crazy!
Of course, Baxter's Papa would say I won't have far to go!
I have always been a HUGE fan of Lettering.
Wonderful, creative fun lettering
ala Lindsay Ostrom
She has always been my Guru...pure genius.
I always said I want to be her...at least the letterer part!
I've taken classes over the years, and I can letter OK...but in my effort to "FLOURISH",
I want to learn more, do better!
So, today I will show you the class I am working on today...
and believe me I have several more to show you!
Letter Love
Joanne Sharp
I actually found her through Pinterest!
One of her Journal Pages was one of my first Pins!
I am so loving this class...
her videos and PDF's are terrific.
We'll be working on three Journals.
Here's the one I am starting with.
Made the journal with one of those inexpensive composition books
and covered it with a Journal Kit from the Bee Altered section
of Green Tangerines.
Second Assignment: Pull out all your black pens and write the alpha letters with each
and label with which pen was used.
Here's the first page...and they keep going...
I obviously have way to many
but it is nice to see how they look in comparison to each other.
Along with this class, we have a very active Yahoo Group and Flicker Group!
You can start this class anytime...and I highly recommend it!
More tomorrow...