Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dear Blog...

Dear Blog,

Why have I been neglecting you??  I don't mean to...I don't want to...I even have lots of thing I want to tell you and share with you.  For some reason I just don't seem to find the time to sit down and write a post.  Why have I not just made the time, you ask???  Well, I'm not really sure...but I have been busy in the studio...I have been up to my elbows in paints and mod podge...would you like to see what I've been up to?  Before I show you,  I just want to promise I will really try to be so much better and to write so much more often!  Will you forgive me?

I've been making SheArt Girls!

I just love making these girls...I really am addicted!  I'll get some close up photos in the soon. 

After having my studio in such a complete disaster state, I cleaned up a little today...and I'm ready to start all over...
I promise to be back soon!