Thursday, April 7, 2011

Just a Couple of Things

Sorry, no pictures today...but I do want to mention a couple of things.  As I mentioned before, I took the SheArt Workshop by Christy Tomlinson a couple of months ago.  This is hands down one of the best classes that I have ever taken!  Christy is so sweet, and knowledgeable and giving.  Her video are great, and she shows every little detail!  She is offering another session here, and if you are at all interested in Mixed Media I strongly suggest you sign up.  The class runs for 3 weeks, and is chock full of ideas and inspiration as well as tons of techniques.  I have been painting and style has changed a bit from the SheArt Girls...could it be possible that I am finally finding my own style???

I also want to mention that I am taking Melody Ross's Soul Restoration Class.  I've been reading and hearing about Brave Girls Camp and hearing rave at the beginning of this year when they offered an online version, I really thought and thought about taking it.  Then, I just never signed up...and then it was too late.  Boy, I was so sorry that I missed after blog raved about it.  So, this time around I signed up early!  It has finally started this week, and so far seems like it's going to be wonderful.  I think we all have "issues" and "stuff" that we have collected over the years,  here is what Melody has to say:
"This enjoyable and powerful workshop is designed to help you really really think and hear your own soul again…to help you remember what brings you the most joy, to realize & remember all of the things that you are good at and that make your heart sing…to get back on track and to unleash the courage and motivation to stay on track….to reunite with your soul."
Read much more about it here. And, think seriously about joining's not to late to sign up!