Thursday, April 26, 2012


Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with all the ideas and stuff 
that's swimming around in your head?  

All the eye candy on the Internet, Etsy, Facebook, Pinterest...
pretty much everywhere you turn.
 "Oh, I need to do something just like that."  
"I love that color combination...must put it down on canvas."  
"What an awesome idea for the bedroom."etc., etc.  

And you really don't know where to even start? 

Well this is exactly how I've been lately.  
 I can't seem to quiet my mind and start anything!  

Lots of ideas...but no action!

Well, I had lunch with two of my "Flyer" friends, Jen Slutsky and Janet Forrest...
and of course we talked about this.  

Their basic advise...make a list, focus and just start doing something!  

So, as soon as I got home, I did a little cleaning in the studio...
and found some canvases that I had started and for whatever reason never finish.  
Most had backgrounds that I didn't even like.

So, I've gathered them together
and first thing tomorrow
they all get fresh coats of Gesso
and I will get to work!

I think just starting to work on them will inspire me...
at least, I hope so!

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Here's my stack.

Tomorrow I'll check in and let you know what kind of progress I've made.